United Way of Indiana County is now accepting applications for the 2022 Summer Grant Funding!
Are you a new or existing non-profit organization that is looking for financial assistance to help fund a summer program that supports our mission of providing health, education, financial stability, and basic needs programming for individuals and families in our county? It is the goal of the United Way of Indiana County Summer Grant Program to help you do just that. Funding is now available through this micro-grant program. Grants will be awarded to those 501c3 entities and/or who qualify to receive charitable contributions as defined under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. This micro-grant program presents a key opportunity to utilize this funding to better provide resources to the members of our community.
Summer Grants are not available at this time.
Summer Grant Reporting Requirements
A final report on the results of the project must be submitted to the United Way office within 30 days of the end of the program or project, demonstrating that the funds were utilized for their intended purpose. This report must be submitted on the United Way Grant Project Final Report Form.
Final reports can also be submitted online by clicking the button below.
2022 Grant Recipients
Alice Paul House - Healthy Kids Carnival
Burrell Township Library - Child and Caregiver Programming
Children's Advisory Commission of Indiana County - The 20th Annual Family Fun Fest: World Safari
County of Indiana - Critical Incident Stress Management Team Training
Indiana County 4-H Club - 4-H Discovery Day Camp
Indiana County Community Action Program - ICCAP Client Transportation Support
Indiana County Recovery Center - Recovery Capital Assessment and Fundamental Goals of Health, Education, and Financial Stability
The Care Center - Raising Healthy Kids
YMCA of Indiana County - Anti Hunger Food Program
If you received funding for our 2022 grant cycle and still haven't submitted your final report, you can submit your report by clicking the button below. The report can also be downloaded and emailed to Carolyn Hainaut at uwhainaut@uwindianacounty.org.