Gala for the Goal

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Your Information
Sponsorship Information
15 Admission Tickets, 15 Drink Tickets, Full Page Ad in Program, Recognition on Website, Social Media, and Radio
10 Admission Tickets, 10 Drink Tickets, Half Page Ad in Program, Recognition on Website, Social Media and Radio
5 Admission Tickets, 5 Drink Tickets, Quarter Page Ad in Program, Recognition on Website, Social Media, and Radio
2 Admission Tickets, Logo Displayed at Bar, Recognition on Website, Social Media and Radio
Attendee Purchase Options
Attendee Information

Attendee #1

Be sure to include yourself if attending.

Attendee #2

Attendee #3

Attendee #4

Attendee #5

Attendee #6

Attendee #7

Attendee #8

Attendee #9

Attendee #10

Attendee #11

Attendee #12

Attendee #13

Attendee #14

Attendee #15


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